Auf Anregung von Ariane:
Nature communications, accepted 28.1.25:
Pesticides have negative effects on nontarget organisms Nian-Feng Wan , Liwan Fu , Matteo Dainese , Lars Pødenphant Kiær ,Yue-QingHu , Fengfei Xin , Dave Goulson , Ben A. Woodcock
,AdamJ.Vanbergen , David J. Spurgeon , Siyuan Shen & Christoph Scherber
Meta-studie über Pestizideinsatz und Wirkungen speziell auf non-target organismen. Gesichtet wurden 1705 Studien und 20212 Effektgrößen.
Pestizide, die für bestimmte Taxa entwickelt wurden hatten negative Auswirkungen auf Wachstum, Reproduktion, Verhalten und physisologische Biomarker in nicht-Ziel Gruppen.Es handelt sich um
Pflanzen, Tiere (Wirbeltiere und Wirbellose) und Mikroorganismen (Bakterien und Pilze).
Die Ergebnisse stellen die üblichen Pestizidanwendungen in Frage und weisen auf die Notwendigkeit hin, erweiterte Risikoprüfungen bezüglich Biodiversität und Wirkungen auf Ökosysteme
B. Wille
Summary: Pesticides affect a diverse range of non-target species and may be linked to global biodiversity loss. The magnitude of this hazard remains only partially understood. We present a
synthesis of pesticide (insecticide, herbicide and fungicide) impacts on multiple non-target organisms across trophic levels based on 20,212 effect sizes from 1,705 studies. For non-target
plants, animals (invertebrate and vertebrates) and microorganisms (bacteria and fungi), we show negative responses of the growth, reproduction, behaviour and other physiological biomarkers within
terrestrial and aquatic systems. Pesticides formulated for specific taxa negatively affected non-target groups, e.g. insecticidal neonicotinoids affecting amphibians. Negative effects were more
pronounced in temperate than tropical regions but were consistent between aquatic and terrestrial environments, even after correcting for field-realistic terrestrial and environmentally relevant
exposure scenarios. Our results question the sustainability of current pesticide use and support the need for enhanced risk assessments to reduce risks to biodiversity and ecosystems.
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